Financed by: European Commission DG Justice and Internal Affairs
Lead organization: Italian Institute for Socio-Economic Research (IRES)
Partners: TAMPEP Association, IRRSAE Piemonte, Cruz Roja Juventud (SP), MAPS Movimento de apoio à problemàtica de sida (PT)
- The project stems from the need to tackle the following phenomena with an integrated and multidisciplinary approach: pedophilia, sexual exploitation, exploitation in prostitution, and sexual violence perpetrated against children, especially foreigner minors. The project was carried out in the regions of Piedmont in Italy, Asturias in Spain and Algarve in Portugal.
The project included research on the issues of child abuse, sexual violence against
male minors, and occasional and "career" prostitution among minors (in particular regarding foreign nationals). The project activities also involved training and informational activities for the target beneficiaries (foreign children involved in the phenomenon) and for professionals who deal with the topic.