Financed by: European Commission – EQUAL Program, Italian Ministry of Labor and Social Policies
Lead organization: Province of Pisa
Partners: TAMPEP Association, Compagnia delle Opere Association, Casa di Carità Arti e Mestieri Association, S&T Società cooperativa, Association for the Transregional, Local and European Cooperation (TECLA), On The Road Association, Donne in Movimento Association, Cooperativa Sociale Il Cerchio, Province of Turin, Public Assistance Office of Pisa, City of Genoa, Province of Genoa, Federazione Regionale Solidarietà e Lavoro di Genova, Province of Ascoli Piceno, Azienda ULSS 16 di Padova, Province of Teramo
- EMERGING: From Underground to the Social and Occupational Inclusion of Victims of Trafficking
This project was an action-based research initiative (pilot research studies that included interventions) on human trafficking related to underground prostitution in the Turin, Pisa, Genoa, Ascoli Piceno and Teramo areas. The project helped to implement individualized empowerment paths, as well as educational and social inclusion programs for identified victims of trafficking.