If you share the philosophy of the Tampep Association, you can help us in the following ways:
The Tampep Association welcomes all volunteers, after appropriate training, and we consider them to be extremely important resources who really complement the work of our staff. You can actively participate in our local initaitves and activities by first telling us a little bit more about yourself: click here to fill out an application.
National Civil Service
If you are an Italian citizen, you can apply for the national civil service program (www.serviziocivile.gov.it)
Choose us for your 5x1000
If you live and work in Italy, you can donate your 5 x 1000 to us by indicating our fiscal code 97 61 52 40 013 on your individual tax return
Make a donation
You can make a donation online with your credit card or with a international wire transfer:
Beneficiary: Tampep onlus - Banca Prossima, IBAN: IT05I0335901600100000002689
We are on Satispay! Contact us at 3278683948 to donate.
Here we update you about ours online microfinance crowdsourcing campaigns!
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